Vikings Squash Club

Wanniassa, Australian Capital Territory 2903
Established around 30 years ago, the Vikings Squash Club provides the opportunity for squash players of all standards – beginners to Premier – to play Pennant competition, Social competitions, weekly practice sessions and coaching opportunities – as well as social activities and trips away. Squash is the ideal Canberra sport, played in any weather, any time of the year, for fun, fitness and friendly competition. We run Junior tournaments, Club Championships and two social comps – as well as having teams in the ACT Senior and Junior Pennants. We currently have over 100 members playing senior and junior competitions plus social and beginners.
We are a growing, fun, friendly and active Club, shown by our winning the ACT Sports Club of the Year Award in 2014.
How do I join your Club?
Go to or come by one of our practice sessions.
The Club conducts several mixed social competitions each year prior to Pennant competitions, in a friendly and fun format! Social squash is a good way to meet other players in an informal atmosphere and to see what standard you may be at, if you want to play Pennant competition. They are usually run in January and July.
Membership Details
We cater for all standards of players, juniors and seniors, Pennant and social.
Membership is $20, Pennant fees are $145 (including membership), practice is $8 – 10.
Training Schedule
Adult practice sessions: Sundays 4 – 6 pm and Mondays 7 – 8:30pm at Active Leisure Centre, Erindale.
Junior practice: Sundays 2 – 4 pm at Active Leisure Centre
Contact Details
Website –
Primary Contact: Aidan Parkes
Tel number: 0418 441 822