9th February 2025: Squash Report: Stroud B vs Dowty The Stroud B team welcomed Dowty for a highly anticipated home match, with both teams fully aware...
24th January 2025: Stroud B’s Battling Performance in Gloucestershire League: Cotswold A 4-1 Stroud B It was a challenging night for Stroud B as...
6th December 2024: Picture the scene: Stroud B, home game, squash balls flying about like hyperactive moths in a streetlight. But sadly, it wasn’t...
15th November 2024: Stroud B Team traveled to East Glos Club for a highly competitive and closely fought match. Ewen and Jamal led the charge for...
17th October 2024: The A Team established winning ways with an impressive 5-0 victory at CLC. Well done to Tony, Sacha, Seamus, James and Dave.
13th October 2024: The B Team kicked off the new season with a 4-1 win at Dowty. Next match is on October 24th at CLC.
11th September 2024: For those club members who I haven’t seen during September club nights. Your card is attached to the club notice board. ...
11th September 2024: ‘A’ Team Starting Tuesday 1-Oct ’B’ Team Starting Thursday 3-Oct Club members get in touch with Oliver Dyer...
10th January 2024: A great afternoon of doubles matches with a fun competitive edge. There was a good mixture of players including new and Wycliffe members....
4th January 2024: Saturday 6th January 2024 3:30pm start 6:00pm finish (approx) Wycliffe courts Paired with partner on the day Contact Oliver...
10th May 2023: Last few places available Contact Oliver Dyer if you wish to enter Prizes up for grab on the day
19th February 2023: The County Closed Championship will take place on April 1st and 2nd at the East Glos club in Cheltenham. There will be both double...
13th March 2023: Congratulations to out junior member Owen Meisner who won the U19 Cadbury Tournament over the weekend
18th December 2022: Following the AGM, I am pleased to announce the election of Olly Dyer as the new Club Treasurer to succeed Barry Parsons. We offer...
2nd September 2022: I am delighted to announce that Stroud A Team have triumphed in the Gloucestershire summer League for 2022. Playing a format of 3...
13th September 2023: A great opportunity to have some coaching from our club member coach Rob Wilson. There is no fee, so come along and give it a go....
6th May 2022: We are pleased to announce the appointment of Terry O'Donnell as Racketball Coordinator for the club. Terry will be starting by organising...
29th March 2022: Congratulations to Junior member Fu'ad Habash who won the 2022 Cadbury Tournament on March 26th at U9 level. The first of many we...
6th December 2022: All members are invited to attend
18th March 2022: In 1972 a group of enthusiasts started Stroud Squash Club. In 2022 the club will thus reach its 50th anniversary and we will mark...